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Fake chinese bankster busted In a china full of fake iphones, pirated dvds and knockoff louis vuitton bags, a rice trader has come up with a new louis vuitton outlet uk real angle for falsehood.Counterfeit bank, anyone? In a china full of fake iphones, pirated dvds and knockoff louis vuitton bags, a rice trader has come up with a new angle for falsehood.Counterfeit bank, anyone? "People were shocked that an obscure businessman bought a foreign bank and it was a us bank, no less.He wasn't even a banker to begin with,"Said zhu xiaochuan, a researcher at ceibs lujiazui institute of international finance in shanghai. "The news 'must' be credible because it was in mainstream media.The public were amazed how wealthy wenzhou businessmen were. " He was subsequently appointed to an advisory body to the eastern city's legislature as a reward for managing to break into the us bankin ... Read more »

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